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 Dr. Mohamed BENHAMIDA

Dean’s speech

On behalf of the faculty academic and administrative staff, I am pleased to interact with you through this portal of the Faculty of Technology, at Mohamed Boudiaf University- M’sila.  It is one of the most prominent,  kinetic and productive faculties, and It is more appealing to students in our university.  This Faculty focuses in its policy to attract an outstanding scientific and academic staff who has the most valuable experience in the field of higher education and academic training, in order to ensure the optimal education training for our students and obtain a high-quality educational and knowledge outputs in the various scientific disciplines in the faculty, in the purpose to catch up with international universities.  We also focus on the development of scientific research capabilities to cope with local, regional and international challenges, and trying hard to give a high priority to providing a dynamic and appropriate environment to encourage different and important research activities. 

Addressing the challenge of moving from university system based on theoretical academic research to a university system that contributes to solving the problems of socio-economic environment, including the problem of development, is at the heart of the faculty priorities.  Actually, we are in the midst of the growing global challenges facing The higher education sector, especially in the light of a new international system that is gradually establishing the dominance of the values ​​and concepts of globalization, partnership, openness and competition. Thus,  we seek to strengthen the role of our university in achieving a balance between local specificities and the global context, on the other hand to ensure that scientific research and university education contribute to the development process.

In this respect, we continue to make efforts to diversify and strengthen the education courses in academic training and educational attainment. Therefore, The faculty vision is in line with the conditions of the overall development of the country, and it has a  competitive efficiency at all levels of science and knowledge. These achievements are the result of  the structural efforts made by all academic, research and administrative staff in our Faculty and their commitment to the values ​​of cooperation, innovation and teamwork.
I would like to bid you a warm welcome and ask for your support and contribution to the development of our faculty and your commitment to its values. 

Yours sincerely! 

Dean of the Faculty

Dr. Mohamed BEN HAMIDA