Scientific Council

  • Composition of the Scientific Council of the faculty
Full Name Position
1 Gasmi Abdelkader President,Computer science teacher representative
2 Brahim Nouiri The Dean
3 Guegui Bachir Vice dean for postgraduate studies and research
4 Mehanni Tahar Vice dean for education and student affairs
5 Saadi Abderrachid Head of Mathematics department
6 Chatra Mohamed Head of Computer science department
7 Drihem Douadi President of scientific committee of Mathematics department
8 Belabdelouahab Fernini Linda President of scientific committee of Computer science department
9 Nadir Mostefa Professor,Mathematics teacher representative
10 Moussai Madani Professor,Mathematics teacher representative
11 Chikouche Noureddine Assistant professor representative
12 Kadri Said Assistant professor representative
13 Benhamidouche Noureddine Laboratory manager
14 Achour Dahmane Laboratory manager
15 Derradji Mohamed Head of the library