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Category: غير مصنف

Study trip

Study trip for GTU License 3 students (Department of Urban Engineering) at the INCT of Algiers under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense.    

Exhibition on: Yemen, the land of civilizations and the original urban heritage

The creative urban scientific club, with the participation of Yemeni students, organized on Tuesday 14/01/2020 in the lobby of the Institute for Urban Techniques...

The university afforestation process started

Today, Tuesday January 7, 2020, the afforestation process at Mohamed Boudiaf University was launched in the framework of a tree project for every student and the ruler...

اعلان اساتذة

Student lists for the academic year 2020/2021 – City Management Department –

Second year listings Third year listings First year Master Second year Master  

اعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه

ليكن في علم طلبة السنة الاولى دكتوراه http://virtuelcampus.univ-msila.dz/inst-gtu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/001.jpg

(العربية) دروس على الخط للسداسي الثاني قاعدة مشتركة

Sorry, this entry is only available in Arabic.

فعاليات الملتقى الدولي حول: التسيير الحضري و الحكامة المحلية

احتضنت قاعة المحاضرات ابن الهيثم بالقطب الجامعي فعاليات الملتقى الدولي حول: التسيير الحضري...