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يوم دراسي


Student lists for the academic year 2020/2021 – City Management Department –

Second year listings Third year listings First year Master Second year Master  

Student lists for the university year 2020/2021 – Department of Urban Engineering –

Second year listings Third year listings First year Master: TMU First year Master: RUR Second year Master: TMU Second year Master: RUR

اعلان لطلبة الدكتوراه

ليكن في علم طلبة السنة الاولى دكتوراه http://virtuelcampus.univ-msila.dz/inst-gtu/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/001.jpg

The total deliberation minutes after the 2019/2020 remedial session, common base

the deliberations record Download Note: The appeals period is set to 11/17/2020    

Minutes of the results of the initial deliberations of the 2019/2020 emergency session – Urban Engineering –

Second Year The deliberations minutes of the remedial session Note: The deadline for filing appeals is Monday 11/23/2020 at 12:30 am

Minutes of the final deliberations of the second semester 2019/2020 of the Urban Engineering Department

Third Year The record of the deliberations Second year Master: TMU The record of the deliberations Second year Master: RUR The record of the deliberations  

(العربية) محاضر المداولات 2019/2020 قاعدة مشتركة

Sorry, this entry is only available in Arabic.

(العربية) محاضر المداولات بعد الدورة الاستدراكية للسداسي الاول 2019/2020 هندسة حضرية

Sorry, this entry is only available in Arabic.