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Archives post

The level improvement program abroad, for the year 2020

Within the framework of amortization expenses to improve the level abroad for the year 2020 Read on Note: All professors are requested to enter the data on the personal...


All students of the Urban Techniques Institute are required Read on

List of graduation topics for the year 2019/2020

Let the master’s second year students know that the list of graduate subjects is as follows according to each major: 1- City Management – Governance and Local...

List of academic holidays decisions for the academic year 2019/2020

List of academic holidays decisions for the academic year 2019/2020 download file

“SQ3R” method to review the lessons smartly and in the least time

What is the “SQ3R” method? More details

A reminder about preparing the school material in the form of a textbook

A reminder of what came at the Coordination Council meeting Read on

Important announcement

Let the therd year  students know  Read on

Announcement for students

Let the third year students know read on  

Important announcement

Let the Second year Master students know  Read on

Exhibition on: Yemen, the land of civilizations and the original urban heritage

The creative urban scientific club, with the participation of Yemeni students, organized on Tuesday 14/01/2020 in the lobby of the Institute for Urban Techniques...