As part of the societal responsibility of Mohamed Boudiaf M'sila towards its socio-economic environment, the room of "Braille" talents established for students, for the benefit of blind students of the university was inaugurated by those students. The president of the University, Professor BADARI Kamel, was present at the official inauguration, accompanied with the vice-rectors, deans of faculties, head of institutes, students of particular talents and other students of the University.
The room is equipped with a 5 th generation specialized «Braille» printer which has been made to print easily readable lessons and lectures for blind categories, composed of 15 students in different faculties and institutes, in addition to computers to this category.
This initiative, the first of its kind at Mohamed Boudiaf University, aims to create favorable conditions for improving the quality of education and training for this particular category. Professor Kamel BADARI, president of the university pointed out during the inauguration of the Braille Room that the administration of the university would provide special electronic books for this category and will devote a place of reading for the preparation of official exams. The Rector also underlined that this achievement falls within the framework of the societal responsibility of the university, as well as the implementation of the objectives of the strategic plan of the university 2017/2022 in the axis of life at university.
It should therefore be pointed out that M'sila University always aims at leadership, especially in quality education and training, offers all the appropriate conditions for students and teachers, and strives to achieve first ranks compared to national universities.