Category: Students

Master in Computer Science Thesis Defenses Calendar

Announcement of doctoral thesis defense in Mathematics: Ayadi Hocine

Wednesday,June 17th,2020 Place: Centre de calcul (université-pôle sud) Time:10:00 Presented by: Ayadi Hocine

Announcement of doctoral thesis defense in Mathematics: Yettou Mourad

Wednesday,June 10th,2020 Place: Centre de calcul (université-pôle sud) Time:10:00 Presented by: Yettou Mourad

Announcement of university habilitation defense in Mathematics: Bougherara Brahim

Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 Place: Centre de calcul (université-pôle sud) Time:10:00 Presented by: Bougherara Brahim

COVID-19 Preventative Measures

UNESCO launches free online course on nanotechnology

Solidarity movement against the spread of Coronavirus (covid 19)


Notice of the learning platform -MOODLE- address (URL) change

Notice To attend a Disciplinary Board hearing (Department of Mathematics)

The above-mentioned students are convened to Disciplinary Board hearing.The disciplinary Board hearing will hold on Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 in the meeting room of...

Student Representative Election-University Disciplinary Board and Board of Directors